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  When we try to pick out anything by itself we find that it is bound  fast                                        by a  thousand invisible cords that cannot be broken,                                 to everything in the Universe"John Muir 1869.

The next generation

Morning ritual while at the beach: picking up trash and being rewarded by the ocean giving us little gifts like cute shells, pretty floats, sponges and more

"Pass it on", your knowledge that is. By teaching the next generation you will accomplish a lot more than by just changing your personal habits. You will first need to introduce them to Nature, so they know where they really belong. Have them involved in changing the world one step at a time,

You will be amazed by how receptive they will be.

- Teach them about Nature: they need to have regular contact with the outdoors so they can see how Man has transformed the landscape of our planet and how it is supposed to be. We have beautiful parks that they can enjoy and park rangers have created multiple programs and activities for all ages to learn about Nature. There is also a wealth of movies and documentaries dedicated to Nature, the world and the environment, it is never too early teach a child that he is an integral part of our universe, that everything is related and that the suffering of an animal or a plant can directly affect him/her. Children are naturally compassionate towards animals and plants, if they know and appreciate Nature it will be easy for them to understand why it needs to be respected and protected.

- Have them involved in the decisions you take as a family to protect the environment. A good way to start is to sit down with them and write a list of areas that need improvement like power usage, water usage, recycling etc.. , discuss the issues, find solutions with the children and have them choose which project they will tackle or which rule they will enforce, last time we did this type of exercise with my family among other things we decided to build a compost bin altogether and the youngest of the family took on the responsibility to empty the compost bucket after every meal. Sometimes we are just too busy and overlook some steps that were discussed as a family, you can make sure that the children will remember it and point it out to you: When we go for a walk on the beach I am busy remembering to bring hats and sunscreens, the children are the one remembering to bring a bag to collect what does not belong on the shore.

 You can change the world by teaching one child at a time.


Turning trash into treasure: old floats that wash ashore are made of Styrofoam which  does not biodegrade and can be harmful to sea life ( small particle are mistaken for food and ingested by fish and birds.) On the other hand it adds a nice colorful note to our patio.

No more unnecessary plastic!

I always knew that plastic bags were bad for the environment, that sea turtles mistaken them for jelly fish, but my awareness was really raised by the documentary "Bag it"

I urge you to watch this great documentary and more importantly to show it to the next generation.

Since we watch this documentary we really limit the amount of plastic we bring inside our home: 

 Plastic has sipped thru every aspects of our life, and can be found in every rooms of your house, packaging, furniture, toiletries ustensils, even our clothing is made of synthetic fibers. Reducing the use of plastic in one's life is not an easy task, you have to prioritize,pick your battles, our world is built with plastic, we cannot get ri of it all, as my children often point out " the car is made with plastic." Yes it is... but at this point in our life we are not ready to get rid of the car. However there is a lot of other places where plastic is not a necessity. Plastic is here to stay and discarding it is not a solution, it is actually part of the problem: there is no safe way of discarding plastic. Recycling it may help, like giving our plastic items  that can still be used to Good Will. People who will buy them used would have bought the same items new and would have upped the plastic production. On one hand we recycle our plasic items and on the other hand we are careful to buy plastic only when there is no other alternative it is a good idea to buy them used ( I come.) 

Grocery bags:

Here is a good place to start, we stopped using grocery bags, we now have big bags in the trunk of the car and we used them every time we go shopping, it is also more practical, they are wide and things don't get crushed when packed inside, they hold a lot of things, 6 bags are enough for our big biweekly shopping trip, 6 bags only to transfer from the shopping cart to the car and then from the car to the house, it saves us a lot of time and energy. 

Trash bags:

In the past we used to recycle the shopping bags as trash now what?

Now we use a small tin trash can that we line with all the junk mail we receive daily, it is really easy and practical The kids take turn to go empty the bin in the outside trash can. It is true that the outside trash can gets dirtier, but the fact that we hardly eat any animal products and the fact that we use a compost bin for the vegetables and fruits scraps really limit the risk of odors. A good hosing once in a while is enough to keep it clean.

All the rest:

Every time you purchase something, just ask yourself if there is a non plastic alternative, mainly when buying toys. Toys are a huge waste of plastic, most children I know have way too many toys and hardly play with them, people feel obligated to buy a ridiculous amount of useless toys to celebrate birthdays and holidays, I know it is harder to find but there are some toys that are plastic free or that contain less plastic than others: board games, musical instruments, costumes, make believe kitchenware, cast metal model cars, video games (plastic but tiny), books, rock collections, puzzles....


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this is just me!  Trying to feed my family organic food, detoxify our home and teach our children simple, spiritual values. sounds beautiful, doesn'it?, it is not always the picture perfect family one can imagine, it is a crazy bunch, but we take it one day at a time and try to have fun in the process......

Check out this beautiful store and indulge in eco friendly home decoration.

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